Upcoming V-Day | Round Two! | This Saturday!
Date: Thursday, January 14th, 2021
Time: 11:03 pm
Kudos to the Lord Chamberlain teams for running such smooth and successful vaccine clinics on December 26th. It was great to see so many staff members step up to help with the logistics of the event (including James Bergers, Administrator; Veronica Miller, DNS; Mrs. Knights, Infection Control; Liz Burnhauser, 3rd Fl Head Nurse; Frances Lijadu- Bel-Air Transitional Care Nurse; Patricia Quinn, Administrator LC Manor; Patricia Evelyn, DNS LC Manor; and several others). We even received complements on how well our clinic was organized and run, and are looking forward to another successful clinic this weekend on the 16th. Thank you again to everyone for making our V-Days a success!